Now, I didn't start with this because that would have been cheap and unkind and oh so obvious. Besides, the frenzied bottom feeding that fuels so much of what we used to call the"news media" is doing all of this ad nauseam, yes? So, if you care to dwell on just the excess and bad decisions, to say nothing of the nearly pathological nature of some of MJ's advisers, you won't have any trouble finding company. Just turn on the TV and it is everywhere. Like Lou Reed has said, "Stick a fork in it - it is done!"
What I have been concerned to locate is the blessing within the wound - the eagle inside the egg - the presence of God amidst some of our ugliest humanity. To say that MJ died because of his own excess is true - but only part of the truth. And as those far wiser than I have observed: a partial truth is really a lie. So, let's be slow to judge MJ as Jesus advised; there is always room for truthful words of judgement - they give us clarity and insight - but never room for gratuitous or cruel words that ignore our own feet of clay. Made me think of the way the old Byrds put it...
Many happy returns, James! And yes, that old traditional US tune says it! The Boids did a good job on it.
Thanks my man.
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