There is a Zen-like wisdom to these smart-ass, wise guys (and most are guys but not exclusively) that is sadly missing in most Western religion. Harvey Cox understood the prophetic nature of the trickster in The Feast of Fools and grasped how their absence in much of Western religion gives permission to an arrogant moral superiority that is unable to confess its own complicity in evil. Indeed, such a pathological blindness not only nurtures the necessity for scapegoats during hard and confusing times but let's otherwise smart people repeat half truths - think September 11th - over and over rather than bring healing to the beloved community.
He writes: As the true heirs of our Puritan forebears, we are taught to turn our backs on the world of fantasy - along with such accompaniments as mirth, int
Lord, have mercy: no wonder there is an atrophied imagination and mostly just a politics of fear in 2008! Which is why I give thanks to recently discovering "Dr. Who" on BBC America and the new TV show: "Fringe." They kick my butt when I take myself too seriously, help expand my worldview beyond the limits of my tired imagination and tease me with the consequences of limited thinking with all their apocalyptic mumbo jumbo. They are to this moment what Chuck Berry's "Too Much Monkey Business" was to 1955, Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues" was to 1965 or even what the Rolling Thunder Tour did 10 years later (check out Zimmy doing "Isis" in 1976 - btw the opening line was the inspiration of my wedding date!)
You don't see much of this in Christianity - a tiny lost remnant in John the Baptist and some of the Zen-like humor of Jesus - but we lost a lot when we gave up metaphorical thinking during the witch hunts and inquisition... thank God rock and roll helped us start to bring them back!
found your blog here recently and really like what you have to say! i am a UCC seminarian here in PA and just wrote a sermon that uses music and culture to prove a point. love to know what you think!
thanks, glad we could connect... and may blessings be yours as you work through this year of school. having read your blog, you seem like you are in a GREAT place... keep on, my man!
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