First, after seeing the Sun Kings again - a great Beatles cover band that just does the music without the schtick - I was stunned at how wonderful it can be when four generations of Beatles' fans get together. Phil, Julie and I saw this group for the first time about 6 years ago at a street fair in North Beach and their 60 minute set embodied the heart of my doctoral dissertation. They were no less energizing this past Sunday in Marin County where children, yuppies, hippies, gays, straights and outsiders and insiders found a way to connect with one another for a moment within the sweet, sweet music. It is almost as if the Beatles' music is another language that brings people together beyond our usual divisions. (And these cats NAIL the tunes as this clip shows so that the beauty, joy and wonder of the music can grow...)
Second, whatever the outcome of my brother's diagnosis - and it is still too early to know how the cancer treatment is working - I wouldn't trade this time together for anything in all creation. We had fun just being with
one another. We've always been close and while we've gone our own ways as adults, the time we share now is precious. So, we walked around some of our favorite places in the city. We talked about how our lives have changed over the years. He took me to our favorite watering hole/music venue as well as his new favorite place for breakfast. And we made each day count. My prayers are with him...
And now it is time to call it a night: there is church work to get reconnected with tomorrow, pastoral visits and meetings as well as another sermon to explore and write. I give thanks to God for this treasured time away - and rejoice that I am back home in the Berkshires with my sweetheart.
Welcome home, RJ.
Thanks, my man, it is GREAT to be back.
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