Sunday, March 3, 2013

Grace precedes law...

In Douglas John Hall's book, Waiting for Gospel, he makes it clear that gospel is the antithesis of our rules.  What's more, instead of thinking and feeling more deeply with love, we add more regulations to the mix - and call it a day. Writes Hall:
The unfortunate side of this that it too often becomes the whole reason for church life and existence. The language of the church becomes primarily the language of exhortation. we shout about justice and peace; we insist people should be more inclusive; we plead for greater environmental concern; we deplore the extent, still today, of racism; we decry homophobia; we press for greater compassion in social programs, medical care, education... But it remains that law is NOT gospel.... Gospel requires the indicative, not the imperative mood.  As every parent knows, imperatives (do this, don't do that!) always incite in their hearers the question: why?
And so gospel always precedes law - grace always sets the stage for right action - wounded hearts made whole by love is the ground of our being rather than rules, regulations and morality codes.  Lauren Shapiro puts it like this in her poem: Rule Book.
At the age of ten you will be allowed
in the deep end. 52 inches will get you
on Thunder Mountain. You must be thirteen
with perfect vision to ride all-terrain vehicles.
Please, no unsupervised children. No idiots.
No mentally deranged wantons. We do allow
two siblings for the price of one on Wednesdays.
Eight Young-At-Heart's for the price of seven
on Sunday at 2 p.m. Please understand that
we cannot make exceptions. The rule is
you must be 6'2" with a chiseled profile
and brooding eyes. Size 32-C or larger to get
on the show. We do not accept coupons
or offer refunds. I sympathize
but just came out of surgery myself.
My kid is also sick. Are your eyes
at least two inches apart? We're really looking
for someone with a better sense of the absurd
who is naturally blonde. Don't feel bad,
we accept less than 1% of applicants.
Are you emancipated? On Atkins?
Have you checked all categories that apply?
Please don't call to hear your status.
The process is fully automated, so
you should receive your results in the mail.

After worship, Lauryn and John brought in their two week old baby ewes and the whole congregation squeezed into the Sunday School room to see, touch and hold them.  A perfect and tender close to a day about feasting on God's grace.

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