Human nature is like a stable inhabited by the ox of passion and the ass of prejudice; animals which take up a lot of room and which I suppose most of us are feeding on the quiet. And it is there between them, pushing them out, that Christ must be born and in their very manger he must be laid – and they will be the first to fall on their knees before him. Sometimes Christians seem far nearer to those animals than to Christ in his simple poverty, self-abandoned to God.
Who could question her blunt clarity this year as so-called people of faith bray-on about a non-existent "war on Christmas," spend enormous amounts of money and time on holiday gifts meant to honor the babe in the manger while living children are abused, ridiculed and left to die of dehydration along our southern border with Mexico? Sometimes, indeed, we Christians seem far nearer to those animals than to Christ in his simple poverty and self-abandonment to God. Perhaps it is always true in our world that there is an abundance of cruel darkness and only a tiny light.
[Contemplation] is very far from being just one kind of thing that Christians do: it is the key to prayer, liturgy, art and ethics, the key to the essence of a renewed humanity that is capable of seeing the world and other subjects in the world with freedom—freedom from self-oriented, acquisitive habits and the distorted understanding that come from them. To put it boldly, contemplation is the only ultimate answer to the unreal and insane world that our financial systems and our advertising culture and our chaotic and unexamined emotions encourage us to inhabit. To learn contemplative prayer is to learn what we need so as to live truthfully and honestly and lovingly. It is a deeply revolutionary matter. (http://email.cac.org/t/ViewEmail/d/2DDB91A

The small child of Bethlehem, the unknown young man of Nazareth, the rejected preacher, the naked man on the cross, he (is the one who) asks for my full attention. The work of our salvation takes place in the midst of a world that continues to shout, scream, and overwhelm us with its claims and promises. But the promise is hidden in the shoot that sprouts from the stump, a shoot that hardly anyone notices.
+ Susan Schleck @ http://www.ecva.org/exhibition/icons/pages/schleck.html
+ Allendale UMC
+ Me
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