Thursday, August 18, 2022


One of my greatest joys is playing music with those I love, trust, value, and enjoy. This, of course, is not always the case, right? But when it becomes reallity, it is to be savored and charished as holy ground. On Sunday, August 28th, between 6-8 pm, just such a band will gather to share music, laughter, feasting, sing-alongs, and other surprises on our deck in order to mark the close of summer in these rolling hills. The day before has been dubbed: INTERNATIONAL PLAY MUSIC ON THE PORCH DAY. None of us knew of this unque holiday before we set our date, so we're reveling in synchronicity.
The 28th of August is also the Feast Day of St. Augustine of Hippo, patron saint of both theologians AND brewers, making this celebration extra special seeing as how "Augie" is one of my least favored spiritual thinkers while I hold brew masters in the highest regard. When we kicked summer off a few months ago with a music party, it was hot as blazes. Moving the festivites to 6 pm will give us maximum beauty as the sun sets over the wetlands. If we're lucky there will be a cool breeze, too. So far the weather predictions look like they will favor us. 

We're hosting this music party for a variety of reasons but the three central ones are: 1) In spite of the growing chaos and darkness all around us, there is still beauty and love in this world and we want to honor and strengthen it. 2) Being together with trusted friends is not only a ton of fun, it strengthens our souls for the hard work of resistance that surely lies ahead. And 3) sometimes you just have to "kick out the jams...brothers and sisters" as the MC5 once proclaimed. Reviewing the set list offers an eclectic ride with tunes from the Grateful Dead and Gerswhin, the Cranberries and ZZ Top, Jackson Brown, CS&N, the Beatles, Plant and Krouse, CCR and the Kinks. No preaching, no fund raiser, and no message except hold on to your hats, bring something fun to share, and shake yer bootie. An extra special treat is that we'll be hosting two beloved friends from L'Arche Ottawa who plan to arrive in time to join the festivities and one of my dearest friends from high school and his love hope to be with us, too. So, if you're in the area and this party speaks to you, send me a note and I'll give you the specifics, address, etc.


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