(Worship today felt like this sculpture outside of St. Martin in the Fields, London which shows a life sized baby emerging from a massive marble block with the "And the word became flesh..." etched along the side. Incredible.)
There was no sermon, just a conversation about what the music evoked in us: how birthing and honoring women helps ground us in the true heart of this season, how God promises to come in those most unexpected places and how the little baby John the Baptist danced for joy in his momma's belly. At the conclusion of our time of reflection, our Mission Team came to the front of the Sanctuary and started distributing envelopes to everyone gathered - young and old, members and guests alike - with a $10 bill, a blank card and a note asking them to bring a blessing to someone in wha
The place went wild. You see, we are a struggling congregation. We have an endowment that has been devoured over the last 30 years. Conventional wisdom tells us that unless we turn things around in 5 years, we will have to close. Or change. Or something. So the idea of giving away $1000 just doesn't make sense. But then neither does the Incarnation or the Lord's birth or anything else we honor at this time of year. So we did it and man was it wonderful. And now we get to wait and see what blessings people share...
And then to wrap things up, a new guitar choir debuted doing "Silent Night" - 5 adults who love music and have just started learning the guitar together on Thursday nights - led us all in our favorite carol. A true blessing and a truly upside down worldview... there just might be hope for us yet. Made me think of my favorite Celtic Christmas tune...
Merry Christmas to you and your family. May you be blessed beyond imagination in 2009.
I've done the $10 thing with my yoga students...it's amazing what people can do with $10!!
Quite a difference in the snowy Sunday morning early on in your time with us. Then less than 30 brave souls against the weather, this time near 100! Even Eleanore in a snowstorm. What next? The times they are a changin.
Copy this URL and enjoy, my closet-folkie friend.
Blessed Christmas to you and yours!
I LOVE this, Pete. Many thanks.
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