Sunday, October 11, 2020

a work in progress...

So my attempts at staying grounded in community during this season of
solitude are... a work in progress, ok
? Today's live-streaming reflection felt good while I was sharing it, only to find out afterwards there was a glitch and hiccup in the vocal track. It wasn't a terrible problem, but a bit of a hassle. Who know's why? I will search for solutions and try to rectify them this week.

That said, two other ideas have floated to the surface: intercessory prayer and questions. When I started this over the weekend of March 13th who knew it would still be going on? Morphing and evolving, too? A few of you have sent me notes from time to time, or left messages on the Small is Holy FB page, with encouragement and suggestions. Let me now take this one step farther because not much is going to change for most of us over the next nine months. That is, we are going to remain in some form of self-imposed or mandated solitude for health reasons well through the first half of 2021. That is according to our best medical folk and, of course, not the Virus-in-Chief.

So, what are your thoughts and needs re: intercessory prayer? Some folk call this joys and concerns - other prayer requests - but by whatever title you use, what I'm talking about is making your prayer known so that during our live-streaming time we can pray for you together by name. Thoughts? Prayers? Concerns? What I was thinking of was:  1) At the start of each gathering, you might type a word or a sentence that you would like held in prayer, either during the opening music or the introduction and Scripture. That way, when we get to the time of Eucharist at the close we can add your prayers. And/or 2) send me a note by email or FB sometime throughout the week. 

And, what about follow-up questions? Given the live-streaming format, while I am keenly aware of your presence, the medium is still one-directional: from me to you. (And as you know from dropping microphones and all the rest, I am not wildly tech savvy and have no real interest in the whole Zoom phenomena (we use it with the grandchildren and at L'Arche but that's different.) What do you think? Would you ever want clarifications or sources?  Are there themes you might value a series on? Or something you would like to explore more profoundly? Let me know if any of that appeals to you, ok? 

Let me know, please? Drop me a note on FB or send me an email. I would be grateful to take this deeper even as I try to work out the techno bumps in the road. It is, indeed, a work in progress. Here is a recap of today's video.

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