singers/musicians/theologians will leave the great city of Cleveland tomorrow by 9 am for another 8 hour trip home. It has been a richly satisfying - if not complicated - conference. There are some things, however, that cut deeper than our frustrations: we share a deep love and respect for one another, we love to make music together and we give thanks to God that we share life in our faith community.
The way we set up our time in Cleveland gave us room and space for serious rest and reflection in addition to participation in the jazz liturgy conference. That would be one of the critiques of the event - it was over booked - with too much crammed into too few days. We built in time for conversation and preparation at the front end and also at the close. Not everyone can do that, but it sure makes it better to digest the richness of our experience before having to jump back into the grind of the ordinary.
Another critique has to do with the sometimes "goofy" liturgical
language that was used in our liturgies. I am down with being playful, but I also want depth and poetic integrity. I don't need to feel like I am living through a liturgical jazz version of Sesame Street. As I have shared this concern with others, I sense they too longed for something deeper when it came to the words of our worship. The music was KILLER and beautiful - some of the best jazz I've heard in years - but the language was often silly - and I love God too much for spirituality lite!
At all our meals, we would caucus and evaluate - celebrating many of the blessings and noting the problems - before heading back into the heart of it all. Yesterday's workshops were bold and creative as well as informative. Today's preacher was a MONSTER who both challenged us to share the gospel in ever fresh and loving ways and love the Lord with creativity and joy. It has been a great time and while I am ready to head home - and have other things to accomplish - I am very happy that we were able to take the time for this encounter.
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