Tuesday, March 31, 2020

heading towards palm sunday and holy week: live streaming blessings...

One of the blessings of being a retired clergy person is the chance to freelance from time to time and help out in ways that make sense. For a few years most of my volunteering has gone into sharing music, presence and prayers with my friends at L'Arche Ottawa. Given the travel restrictions and self-isolation that is essential during this new reality, however, I have not been able to be in Canada since mid-February. Beyond some teleconferencing - and a wonderful Zoom prayer and music gathering last Friday - my current sharing during this season of contagion has taken the form of live-streaming worship reflections, music and prayer on Sunday mornings using Facebook. It is my version of what Martha Wainwright is doing in Montreal ( https://www.facebook.com/popmontreal/and a host of other musicians and artists are doing every day on Facebook: sharing a hopeful presence in this unsettling time.

It is small - and as you know I believe small is holy. Most of today was given over to working out an online liturgy for Palm Sunday Eucharist. I am grateful that the Book of Common Prayer is not copyright bound. I am also pleased that the wise and poetic pastor, Maren Tirabassi, has given folk the right to use her words - and adapt them as is needed. I am blending both these two resources with some of my own spoken reflections and gave most of the day over to working on this. If you do not have a place of your own to explore the radical wisdom of Jesus, if your own worship community is not going digital during this season, or if you are curious about my simple take on all of this: 

+ Join me on Sunday, April 5th @ 9:55 am. I am trying to broadcast from my spiritual direction Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/Be-Still-and-Know-913217865701531/) The reason I suggest 9:55 is in case there are any technical issues - and they always seem to show up just before I go live. I will be linking a simple liturgy for you to use, too sometime tomorrow (either the whole text, or, a file you can copy.) You will need some bread and wine/juice to share Holy Communion.

+ Those who are liturgically sensitive might find this link useful: it is a personalized way to be a part of the wider worshiping community on this high holy day. Check it out @ https://thedeaconsbench.com/a-beautiful-idea-for-palm-sunday/?

+ I am also looking for permission from local musicians I know who are willing to cut a deal with me re: using their music. I am keenly aware of copyright issues so I would like to work something out with you - a modest but fair fee - so that I could set up my program with some of your wisdom and beauty. If you are interested, please let me know and shoot me a note.

My hunch is that I will keep this up at least until some time in May when new evaluations about our corporate solitude are in order. I must confess that I have a fantasy about when this is over: I would love to invite everyone who has joined in these live-streaming gatherings to come to our home - or another appropriate place - and celebrate by singing together, praying and breaking bread. More on that as the next month unfolds.

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