Sunday, March 22, 2020

reflections in a time of contagion...

This morning I had the privilege and pleasure to be a part of on-line worship once again in support of First Congregational Church, Williamstown, MA. We had a few moments of techno-glitches at the start, but got them resolves quickly (thank you Di, Lynn and Margaret.) Thank you too to those who joined me live-streaming this morning from all over the US and beyond. I am grateful to be of some small service during this weird time. For others who might want to check it out, it is embedded it below.

Starting next week, I am going to give this live-streaming reflection a shot on my own - from my Be Still and Know spiritual direction FB page @ - at least for the duration of our distance socializing era. Like many of my musician friends, doing this not only keeps me connected with those I love, but also offers a measure of tranquility in the craziness. What a bizarre contradiction this is: at a time when we want to be present to help and bring solace, the best thing we can do is stay apart! Talk about living the questions and embracing paradox! (Let me invite your prayers for the Williamstown church as they journey towards securing their new interim pastor: it was a delight work with them and I pray God's blessings will abide.)

On Friday, we got to Skype with our loved ones in Brooklyn: singing "The Wheels on the Bus" with two year old Anna and negotiating with six year old Louie on his new entrepreneurial venture of selling unused CDs through the mail! (When I get my envelope in the mail, I'll send back $10. "No refunds" he was quick to add!") We also talked about what it was like doing first grade on Zoom and what film the family would watch later that night for pizza and movie night. Turns out "Madagascar" was the choice - so we watched and laughed and reveled in the fun - albeit 157 miles away. I also got a brief update from the hill town family, too and they are taking care of themselves, thanks be to God. Right now we're listening to a music channel the proprietor of Montreal's Beauford Bistro is streaming: "It's the music I WOULD be playing right now if the restaurant was open." Check them out on-line @ /BeaufortCafe/ and make certain to stop in for some excellent eats once this madness is over.
It is a sunny, cold day in the Berkshires: I trust we'll have a chance to get out for a walk and maybe a little tree trimming. Later, I'll make Shepherd's Pie and then at 8:30 pm we'll sing Leonard Cohen songs along with those on les petits balcons de Montréal. Check this out: 

Staying social is critical - even for monkish introverts like us. We drove by one of the local mini-malls yesterday and gasped at the total emptiness - yet another sign of the times. So find ways to reach out to one another. Or me, ok? I pray that your time inside be one of introspection, contemplation, and renewal. May you find new and creative ways to reconnect with those you love - and also with those who may be forgotten. And may God's peace be with you from the inside out. Please join me again next Sunday, March 31 @ 10 am @ Be Still and Know, my spiritual direction FB page @ 

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a blue december offering: sunday, december 22 @ 3 pm

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